Sharing Ideas that Do Good

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Rescue dogs teach prisoners new skills
Abandoned dogs find new homes through prison and animal rescue partnership.At Beechworth prison in Victoria, it's not just the animals that benefit.As the prisoners prepare the dogs for a new family home, they get a self-esteem boost and learn skills that can be transferred to their private lives upon release from jail.Article from the ABC Goulburn Murray / By Gaye Pattison
12 January 2024 by Jonathan Chri...



Tasmania wins - water saving ugliest lawn competition.
A house in Tasmania has beaten off stiff competition to win a prestigious award for the world’s ugliest lawn.The competition beg
11 January 2024 by Jonathan Chri...



A Beach Ball for Formal Fun
Beachgoers shore up happiness at a formal-wear swim during summer holidays. It started as a unique event in 2009, but now it's spawned similar beach balls all across Australia as revellers get dressed up and let their hair down."If each day you can do something a little unexpected or out of the ordinary … that really predicts a benefit for wellbeing."
9 January 2024 by Jonathan Chri...