CoP28's big challenge will be reaching an agreement saying "Phase down Fossil Fuels". However on other 'Themes' there are already (day 1) developments with an initial Climate Funding agreement for developing countries' transition activities.The Global Stocktake will be discussed, advocating for more renewables, The 'Health Connection' with Climate will feature for the first time, and 'Natural Solutions' like stopping deforestation will be emphasised.However, the question of what to do about fossil fuels, looms as the central issue at the summit given the UAE venue and oil-baron Conference President Sultal Ahmed Al Jaber at the helm.<
After decades of misinformation & procrastination, will the global fossil fuel industry come clean?An oil baron, Sultan Al Jabar is the President for this year's UAE-based conference starting Thursday 30th Nov. If, as Al Jabar argues, it takes
someone from the fossil fuel world to make change, the world will be watching his key Cop28 initiative - the Global
Decarbonization Alliance - involving oil and gas companies
signing up to firm climate pledges.The UN has recently warned the world is on track for a “hellish” 3C of global heating, so we badly need this initiative. 
A paint that could help prevent
the spread of bushfires has come from a partnership between the University of NSW (Prof Guan Yeoh) and Flame Security International.The paint, FSA Firecoat, which is now on sale at selected Bunnings stores, achieved
the Bushfire Attack Level (BAL) 40 standard which assesses the bushfire
resistance of buildings and construction materialsFSA FirecoatBAL-40 indicates that a building or material has been tested and
approved to withstand higher levels of radiant heat (up to 40kW/m²) and
ember attack during a bushfire, providing increased
protection in areas prone to extreme fire conditions. 
Countries are to meet in Kenya from 13-17 November to thrash out a global plastic pollution treaty to be in place by the end of 2024. These talks are the
third round and will mark the
halfway point to a Plastics Treaty. From the international negotiating committee (INC) a “zero draft” version of previous discussions outlines 3 options relating to virgin plastic production and a reduction of primary
plastic: 1. Agreed Global reduction targets 2. Agreed production targets and and 3. individual National reduction targets.All eyes are on the US to soften their objections to these developments.
There are less than 20 days to go until the Conference of Parties (COP28).
This also marks the halfway point for nations to achieve self-determined emission reduction goals by 2030 and limit global
warming below 2 degrees Celsius as part of the Paris Agreement signed at COP21.This included Indian Prime
Minister Narendra Modi announcing ambitious targets for 2030 including 500 gigawatts (GW) of renewable energy
capacity and reducing emissions intensity by 45 percent. India still relies on coal for 55% of its energy, so it still has a big challenge ahead. India's 'balancing' act is worth watching:
COP28 is set to begin 30 November in the United Arab Emirates. As part of proceedings, it will present the results of the 1st Global Stocktake. An early look indicates that we are not on track to achieve the goals set in the
Paris Agreement. In the attached McKinsey early summary, the findings come in under Mitigation, Adaptation, Finance, Knowledge Sharing and Next Steps. There's an emphasis on urgency of action (not a surprise). "It’s clear that the time is now for international cooperation,
equitable climate action, and sustainable transformation across all
sectors". Worth a read...