How "sponge cities" can prevent floods and droughts
As cities experience the effects of climate change, new designs are emerging to mitigate risks.“Sponge cities” can absorb, filter and store surface water, whilst also sanitising it. It's a sustainable water management solution for urban development, so the built environment can adapt to droughts and floods.Instead of impermeable asphalt roads and concrete playgrounds - that act as heat islands - sponge cities incorporate natural and green infrastructure that permits water to filter underground supported by surface flood plains built of earth, gravel, sand and grass. It's a protective above and below ground solution harnessing resources based on nature.
Smart cities never sleep
Proptech is a key enabler of smart buildings that can power the 24/7 economy and smart cities.For both work and leisure activities, it's possible to offer access outside the traditional 9-5 with the help of remote access solutions. Sensors, robots, drones, mobile phones and biometrics can provide access for the right people at the right time and also monitor for safety and security.With technology, this can be done efficiently without onsite staff.At the moment, however, traditional zoning regulations can present a barrier.Maybe it's time for new thinking? Proptech is smart, sustainable and digital. And that's valuable.