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A light, foldable boat
Inflatable boats are fun, but they can take a long time to blow full of air, and the affordable, lighter ones sometimes leak and tear, and they are difficult to repair. Backpack Barge is a lightweight pack box-boat that is small enough to bring with you, even under your seat on a plane or public transportation, on an adventure trip.
28 September 2018 by IdeaSpies



Your startup T Shirts for sale
You can upload your logo onto SpreadShirt products online. Then you can show them on their marketplace, at no charge, so they can be sold to your friends, family and other supporters. This is a good way for people to order the designs they like in their size. You can see our IdeaSpies range for men and women on their marketplace. You can even add your own logo or design to them. Be creative- try it.
26 September 2018 by IdeaSpies



Hunting the poachers
Wildlife crime is sweeping the planet. The illegal trafficking of wildlife is now one of the world's largest criminal industries.Modern-day poachers have evolved and routinely utilise military tactics and equipment to kill high-target species, such as elephants, rhinos and gorillas. The non-profit International Anti-Poaching Foundation (IAPF) has established a Ranger Training Academy to instruct wildlife rangers, both men and women, in military tactics to hunt the poachers. The IAPF is now registered in four separate countries across southern and east Africa, and the rangers help protect the animals within nearly three million hectares of wilderness every day.
23 September 2018 by IdeaSpies



Giving a voice to people who can't verbalise their pain
Painchek is the world's first smart phone pain assessment and monitoring device. It uses AI and facial recognition technology to provide carers across multiple clinical areas with important new clinical benefits- the ability to identify the presence of pain, and quantify its severity, when pain isn't obvious as well as to monitor the impact of treatment to optimise overall care.
22 September 2018 by IdeaSpies



Ensuring honey is pure
CSIRO is researching how to use blockchain to ensure honey does not contain artificial substitutes. Testing has found that almost half the honey samples selected from supermarket shelves were ?adulterated?. This means they had been mixed with something other than the product from bees. The samples tested were all either wholly imported or blends of both imported and locally-produced honey.
17 September 2018 by IdeaSpies



A NFP generic drug company
A group of major American hospitals, battered by?price spikes?on old drugs and long-lasting?shortages?of critical medicines, has launched a mission-driven, not-for-profit generic drug company, Civica Rx, to take some control over the drug supply. Backed by seven large health systems and three philanthropic groups, the new venture will be led by an industry insider who refuses to draw a salary. The company will focus initially on establishing price transparency and stable supplies for?14 generic drugs used in hospitals, without pressure from shareholders to issue dividends or push a stock price higher.  
17 September 2018 by IdeaSpies