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Food manufacturing key to Australia's future
Australian business titans Anthony Pratt and Andrew Liveris have named food manufacturing as a key to the nation's future in a post COVID-19 world.Mr Pratt said manufacturing would be "turbocharged" if Australia: improved water infrastructure; accelerated depreciation for manufacturing investment; brought down power prices through an "all of the above" energy policy involving renewables, gas, coal, and nuclear; increased superannuation fund lending to corporate Australia for investment and jobs; and embraced free trade agreements.Mr Pratt used wheat as an example. He said wheat sells for $100 a tonne. If it is turned into flour its sells for $500 a tonne and if it is made into bread it is worth $5,000 a tonne.
28 May 2020 by IdeaSpies



Food out of thin air
A company from Finland, Solar Foods, plans to bring to market a new protein powder, Solein, made out of CO₂, water and elec
26 May 2020 by IdeaSpies



A Canvas for Startup Success
A Canvas for startup success:1. Customer feedback is more important than secrecy when developing a business model.2. Existing companies execute a business model. Start-ups need to discover their model.3. Founders tend to fall blindly in love with their business ideas. Test your hypothesis, validate, tweak, pivot or abandon.4. Every crisis creates opportunity. 5. Think about your contribution to society and your legacy.
25 May 2020 by IdeaSpies



An economic recovery program to follow economic rescue measures
The Reserve Bank of Australia should consider buying "zero coupon perpetual bonds" from our federal and state governments over the next two years. This is, in effect, a no-interest and non-repayable loan from the Reserve Bank to fund public works while the economy is sub-par.It could fund a capital spending surge over two to three years for constructing social housing, schools, hospitals, roads and railways. This increase in the money supply and public spending would underpin the private sector’s recovery.
24 May 2020 by IdeaSpies



Tips on how to handle a journalist's call with a damaging story
Your mobile rings; it’s from a journalist asking for a response to a damaging story being published in an hour or two. What happens next is a frantic scramble.The Challenge: give accurate information and maintain integrity.This is especially relevant for accident-prone organisations: airlines, hospitals, aged care facilities, mines, amusement parks, and more.
23 May 2020 by IdeaSpies



A unique chance to steer the economy away from carbon
Covid-19 creates a unique chance to steer the economy away from carbon at a much lower financial, social and political cost than b
22 May 2020 by IdeaSpies