“Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown”
“Politics has become a vocation once again, ruled by an
ethic of responsibility, whereby options need to be carefully calibrated
against alternatives, probabilities assessed, decisions made even though the
outcome is unclear, and responsibility taken for the result, whatever it may
happen to be. “Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown.” Politics has been
lifted above the banal everyday swamp of networking for influence, career
opportunism and public relations.” Prof.
John Carroll (Sociology, La Trobe University)
A better future is possible if we can lock in these improved
behaviours of our politicians. Is that too much to ask for?
Sound and relevant ADVICE FROM A MATURE Republican PRESIDENT
"We must show, not
merely in the great crises but in the everyday affairs of life, the qualities
of practical intelligence, of courage, of hardihood, and endurance, and above
all the power of devotion to a lofty ideal."
"The principles for
which we stand are the principles of fair play and a Square Deal for every man
and every woman in the United States: a Square Deal politically, a Square Deal
in matters social and industrial."
We are
starting to see cooperation fray as politicians move back to re-embrace the
varied wishes of their constituencies, their ideologies and the need to garner
enough votes to gain and hold power.
The nation’s
chance of a rational and timely recovery rests on the ability of our elected
representatives to keep their egos and political instincts in check and focus
on the task at hand.
It is up
to us all to encourage the right behaviours…as citizens, business people,
journalists +
Coronavirus: Recraft a society that values work and aspiration
“We truly do have
a once-in-a-generation opportunity to recraft the kind of society we want to be
and the type of economy we need to achieve it.”
“We must be an
aspirational society that rewards hard work and puts money in the pockets of
ordinary Australians, and an entrepreneurial society where we can keep and
attract the best and brightest.”
Jennifer Westacott (The Australian 27/4/20)
Tax Reform – An Opportunity That Should Not Be Missed
As we face the need to reboot our economy and paydown the
debt created by the pandemic crisis, there is a once in a lifetime opportunity to
re-think and re-focus our taxation structure to give improved incentive to work
and make productive investments. We should seek taxation structures that are
simple to administer and difficult to avoid.
For too long we have seen people taxed on their work at too
high a level relative to the returns given to passive capital (including the
family home). All taxes should be put on the table for consideration with no
sacred cows.