New kind of schooling for society of future
“The Year 12 university entrance score system is far too narrow to
measure student success accurately and is holding back our nation. Reducing a child’s
whole education journey to a single metric has led our education system to
become increasingly irrelevant.
We would begin the task of educating our children by asking what society
needs of our future adults. Beyond being literate and numerate, we need them to
be problem solvers, creative thinkers, curious, compassionate, resilient,
self-aware, emotionally intelligent, hopeful, open-minded, great communicators,
and respectful to themselves and others.”
James Gutteridge
The Australian 1/1/2021
"Imagine if pregnancy testing cows was non-invasive, efficient, accurate and affordable."
To operate efficiently, primary producers need to maximise the number of pregnant cows that give birth to live calves, while minimising the costs of doing so. Feeding cows that you think are pregnant, only to find out at calving that they are not, costs around $480 per head. Identifying non-pregnant cows early allows producers to cull and sell these animals, both saving cost and releasing cash flow. An Australian start-up, Agscent, are developing a Diagnostic Device that detects pregnancy in cows through a simple to administer breath test. Alternative tests require complex, specialised and invasive rectal intervention.