Sharing Ideas that Do Good

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Flying Race Car Successfully Flies in South Australia
While 2015 came and went with no flying cars in sight like Marty McFly in Back to the Future made us hope for, it seems the future is finally here.With the first remotely-piloted flight of the 130kg, four-metre-long octocopter. The Airspeeder Alauda Mk3, the world’s first electric flying racing car flying successfully in Sth Australia. A flying electric race car that its developer hopes to turn into an aerial version of F1 has made its first unmanned test flights in South Australia, With tech experts from Boeing, McLaren, Brabham and Rolls-Royce helping develop the cars. Read more here:
18 June 2021 by Bradley Delam...



PoopLoop Thinking Outside The Bin 
Ever been with your favourite non-human companion at the dog park and wondered where the plastic doggy bag ends up?... No only me? Well if you are like me and worry about what this does to our planet look no further. PoopLoop, one of HATCH Taronga accelerator programs participants of 2020, has the solution. By closing the waste loop and diverting it from the landfill, your favourite companions waste will become productive compost for local green spaces.Learn more about the startup fighting for sustainability here:
4 June 2021 by Bradley Delam...



Upcycling Fashion To Battle Pollution 
With the apparel industry responsible for 10% of global carbon emission, fast fashion has become synonymous with environmental havoc. Australian circular essentials apparel brand Upparel is tackling the issue head-on as one of the leaders in the textile upcycling industry. As the first digital textile recycler, they have saved 2,103,621 items of clothing from the landfill so far. The items are then circulated as long as they provide value, meaning 1,122,035 kg of greenhouse gases has been prevented until now.To read more about the company and the environmental impact they have:
21 May 2021 by Bradley Delam...



High Tech Hits The Surf
Luksea a UNSW Founders Alumni is tackling the issue of water safety. Soon the days where you had to lift your hand and wave to lifeguards if you found yourself in trouble will be all but a distant memory. The high tech wearable water safety device is designed to keep people safe in the water. The smartphone app lets you check in with family and friends while out in the water enjoying your daily surf or swim. While the SAAS dashboard can alert lifeguards with the push of a button. Learn more here:
14 May 2021 by Bradley Delam...



Aussie Startups Join Forces In The Fight Against COVID-19
Australian tech and investment companies Canva, SafetyCulture, Airtasker, Blackbird Ventures and Airtree Ventures announced that they have joined forces in the fight against COVID-19. With Medical Oxygen for all, a local Indian company they have launched a campaign called Aussie Tech for India. The campaign aims to raise awareness of the continuing crisis, as well as provide logistical and financial support to supply the critically needed oxygen and medical supplies to India. In less than 24 hours the campaign has reached $400.000 in crisis relief to go to the districts in need. Read more:
7 May 2021 by Bradley Delam...



Startup Fine-tuning a new age of Robotics
If you are a fan of robots then you have probably seen your fair share of sci-fi where robots play an integral part, often depicted with a certain nimbleness and ability. Sadly if you have ever seen an actual robot then you know that this is a far cry from the reality of today's robots. UNSW founders Alumni startup Contactile is changing that. With the tag line "Advancing Industries Through an Intelligent Sense of Touch" they are furthering robotics by giving them a sense of touch. To read more about Contactile and how they are making robots dexterous:
29 April 2021 by Bradley Delam...