Sharing Ideas that Do Good

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Continuous trend analysis
Bottlenose is a patented smart data discovery platform that continuously analyzes streams of data to detect emerging trends, threats and opportunities. It was seen at the Insights Lab of the new KPMG headquarters at Barangaroo, Sydney. This photo shows how people are communicating about Australian politics currently - trending topics, volume of mentions and whether they're positive or negative.
26 August 2017 by idea-2



Peer to peer designer dress rental
HUMM is a marketplace connecting women and their wardrobes to others to share their designer fashion. Users are able to browse by brand, colour, size, and location, making a selection by choosing their event date from the calendar and a date for shipping or meeting delivery option.
26 August 2017 by angel



Drone racing- the next big sport?
Drone racing began as an amateur sport in Australia in late 2014. Racing drones are now fitted with front cameras that capture footage as they fly through obstacle courses. Each individual player monitors their drone's performance through VR goggles with FPV (first person view) while trying to get the fastest time and the most accurate movements. Fans can have their own FPV goggles and have a view of what the pilot is seeing.
26 August 2017 by idea-2



An easy way to pay for online content
Tapview is like a read more button with a small payment attached. You don?t have to lock yourself into a subscription - instead you just browse what you want, and at the end of the month you're charged for your total usage. You only need the one account to view content that interests you across multiple locations.
26 August 2017 by idea-2



Reverse Mentoring
A new global inclusion network called Engage was launched today by Harvey Nash and IAG in Sydney. The opportunity highlighted is Reverse Mentoring to help aspiring young people advance their careers and older board members to engage more in the digital world.
26 August 2017 by IdeaSpies



Students become Idea Spies to encourage innovation
Students at Central Queensland University (CQU) choose their favourite ideas from the IdeaSpies platform and talk about them for an innovation class led by Management Lecturer Lynette Robinson.
26 August 2017 by IdeaSpies