What might help Australia come out of lockdown with the chance to build a better future? As Adir Shiffman puts it, we need de-risk the economy by becoming more creatively diverse. A policy reset, one that encourages businesses and a support framework that recognises and distinguishes businesses that can grow vs survive, something beyond the current R&D incentive. Something that recognises that challenges evolve as a business does and great support should also. It could be many a thing — but should be soon if we’re to have a whole lot of Australians with more time on their hands.
A Canvas for startup success:1. Customer feedback is more important than secrecy when developing a business model.2. Existing companies execute a business model. Start-ups need to discover their model.3. Founders tend to fall blindly in love with their business ideas. Test your hypothesis, validate, tweak, pivot or abandon.4. Every crisis creates opportunity. 5. Think about your contribution to society and your legacy.https://www.irishtimes.com/business/innovation/how-start-ups-can-stay-lean-and-mean-and-survive-the-crisis-1.4254515