How drones will impact the supply chain for businesses is a common question in the techno-business world. As technology is getting smarter and broader in its application, methods of doing business are also changing. There was a time when the supply chain was done mostly done manually, which was not only time consuming, also the margin of error was greater.But, with the invention of drones, the supply chain is also adopting this technology. Companies want to save time to reduce the cost of production hence increase the revenue.Read more here:
If you are a fan of robots then you have probably seen your fair share of sci-fi where robots play an integral part, often depicted with a certain nimbleness and ability. Sadly if you have ever seen an actual robot then you know that this is a far cry from the reality of today's robots. UNSW founders Alumni startup Contactile is changing that. With the tag line "Advancing Industries Through an Intelligent Sense of Touch" they are furthering robotics by giving them a sense of touch. To read more about Contactile and how they are making robots dexterous:
Ford: “It sparks innovation.” The automotive ecosystem in Israel, he added, is “amazing.” You don’t need Ford to understand that Israel has become a world leader in everything from the sensors and cameras that power self-driving cars to the software that will find an open parking spot in a lot or on the street (no small feat in a perennially parked-up city like Tel Aviv). A technological breakthrough is needed, and many Israeli companies are working on ways to make charging faster and travel range longer. Full list of companies and the full article with sources:
Makerland’s goal is to create a fully engaging e-learning environment and to truly spread the benefits online education across society, by designing a social, incentivized and student-constructed learning platform. This can be achieved through the employment of blockchain technology. This project is under development.
"Octopus is targeted at techies by techies. Its product would be incomprehensible to those outside its target market of software developers, who use it to automate the deployment of applications. It isn’t glamorous, but it speeds up tech development while making it less likely to go wrong.Typically, an organisation’s software team of testers and developers will work on numerous improvements at once, such as bug fixes and feature enhancements. Octopus makes it easier by removing the very common incidents of human error, while reducing the time that systems have to be taken down for updates."MORE >