Unsilenced Voices takes an innovative approach to its humanitarian work, using blockchain technology in programs and fundraising. Founded in 2017, the US-based not-for-profit empowers survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, and human trafficking in multiple countries using financial assistance and community education. To do this, they’ve sought new approaches to both raise money for their programs and pay directly to abuse survivors. Founder Michelle Jewsbury says they are “revolutionising the humanitarian sector by integrating Web 3.0 technologies directly into our operations. For example, we accept cryptocurrency donations and have hosted NFT art competitions, enabling abuse survivors to earn income.” http://www.unsilencedvoices.org
Women and Mentoring run an early intervention program supporting women and non-binary people in contact with the legal system by matching them with a mentor. "We know that many in contact with the justice system come from trauma, disadvantage, victimisation and having experienced a range of complex issues that contributes to their vulnerability" says Tricia Ciampa, Executive Officer at WAM. "Through a mentoring relationship, women have someone in their corner, to rely on for guidance, to build up self-esteem, and hopefully help them find their place in society." Mentoring is a simple (yet effective) way to create positive change. https://www.womenandmentoring.org.au/about
Skyline Foundation supports students who may be at risk of leaving school early to support their families – dealing with financial hardship, emotional, family, and other challenges. "Skyline has a laser focus on supporting students to aspire to – and achieve – academic dreams they did not know were possible” says Katrina Reynen OAM.The program involves wrap-around support services including financial assistance for school related costs, counseling, career advice, study skills and peer workshops. “Students model achievement in their schools which inspires others around them to do the same – causing a ripple effect of positive enablement.” https://skylinefoundation.org.au
The Shepherd Centre’s mission is to empower children with hearing loss. With a continuous focus on innovative hearing loss solutions, the Australian based not-for-profit launched the HearHub to support children across the globe. Jim Hungerford, CEO at The Shepherd Centre, says “Access to early intervention is critical so children can overcome barriers of hearing loss, but only 50% of children with hearing loss receive the specialist services they need.” The innovative HearHub platform gives families and clinicians across the globe unprecedented access to expert-backed tools and guides to deliver the best possible support for children to improve their hearing. https://hearhub.org
TLC for Kids gives relief and much-needed distraction to sick children and their familes during stressful and traumatic situations. One of their most practical innovations is the TLC Distraction Box. The box contains various fully-researched and therapeutic items and toys that provide healthcare professionals with the perfect tools to guide young children through examinations and painful procedures. “The TLC Distraction Box reduces potential trauma for the child and the stress for the parents, carers and medical professionals involved” says Tim Conolan AM.“Distractions can be delivered within 60 seconds using this program, meaning its impact is instant.” https://www.tlcforkids.org.au