Sharing Ideas that Do Good

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Easy waking up device
It is difficult sometimes to wake up in the morning and the only thing which helps to fight with drowsiness is coffee (mainly coffeine). To solve this problem I want to introduce an idea of constructing a device (which is stuck to to an arm, leg or chest during sleeping time) that would inject the same caffeine in a calculated amount intravenously or intramuscularly at a certain time (say, half an hour before the desired awakening time) so that the awakening process would be much easier and faster.
12 December 2021 by Адиль



The 100 Best Inventions of 2021 of these inventions are Israeli!See:OrCam - making text audiblePercepto - automated inspectionsSupPlant - smarter farmingElectReon - wireless in-road chargingIsrael - Inspired by Innovation.
16 November 2021 by Jeremy Ungar



Influencing Power of Ballots
From current election rules, the influencing power of each voter is the same and that causes a limited power on each ballot. Suppose there are 2 candidates, X and Y. Voter A prefers 1% more for candidates X to Y while voter B prefers candidates Y to X by 100%. Each of the candidates gets one ballot. The inconsistency of ballots and preference is the crucial problem happening.To ensure consistency and representativeness, despite the tax paid, voters pay additionally X% of the tax paid to vote (X%)(100).Feel free to comment, and I can give more information on it.
26 September 2021 by Cash



Utilization of Land - Day and Night
Most of the developed land is set aside at night. The Utilization idea introduces Dual Economies where 50% of citizens live and work at night time, and the other 50% remain current status. The notion is a revolutionary model that changes how humans live. While some overpopulated cities have limited land but a massive population, with the idea of sharing economy, Dual Economies help to utilize the land at night for businesses to run. It is not only a solution to crowdedness but also to maximize the gross production of one place by putting all land available in use.
26 September 2021 by Cash



Detect signals from human body other than brain waves. 探测人体发出的信号(脑电波以外)
Some people can predict what people are going to say (more like "from nothing", not like completing someone else's sentence), or w
13 September 2021 by justfal1116



Corporate Innovation Labs - driving a better life, future and planet ( group)
This is the next post in a multi-part comment, on some corporate innovation labs making waves...Ikea's Space10 Design Lab - for those looking to bridge the "imagination gap”, their AR project helps you take risks in changing up your home/ style/ living space.NortonLifeLock Research Group (NRG) formerly part of Symantec until 2002. The group produced some of the earliest behavioral protection technologies and continues to focus on trust and cyber security innovation projects about interconnecting fintech/ insurtech/ regtech labs across the globe to solve common problems? FinLab Innovation Hubs do just that  
29 August 2021 by Daniella Trai...