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Vaxinia: an experimental cancer-killing virus
An experimental cancer-killing virus (Vaxinia) has been administered to a human patient for the first time, with hopes the testing will ultimately reveal evidence of a new means of successfully fighting cancer tumors in humans.  Co-developers of the oncolytic virus drug are the City of Hope cancer care and research center in Los Angeles and Australia-based biotech company Imugene.  The trial is for two years.Previous research has shown the drug can harness an animal immune system to hunt and destroy cancer cells.  Another monocolytic virus drug T-VEC (Talimogene laherparepvec) is used to treat melanoma in humans.Article:
12 June 2022 by Trevor Rowe


9 June 2022 by April Chepovs...



Bringing Medical Supplies To Remote Areas
An estimated two billion people lack medicines because they live too remotely.Zipline, has been a pioneer in developing medical deliveries in places like Rawanda and Ghana using drones. Drones can travel in 30 minutes what it might take all day in an automobile.The company is now using its drones to fight Coronavirus in Africa and may do so in the future in the United States.Photo Credit: Zipline
9 June 2022 by April Chepovs...



World first breakthrough could prevent SIDS
The mystery of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) is being uncovered thanks to a world-first breakthrough at the Children's Hospital, Westmead, NSW.A research team led by Dr Carmel Harrington at the Hospital have identified Butyrylcholinesterase (BChE) as the first bio-marker that could help detect babies more at risk of SIDS. The study found BChE levels were significantly lower in babies who subsequently died of SIDS compared to living controls and other infant deaths.Dr Carmel Harrington lost her own child to SIDS 29 years ago, and it still accounts for two babies a week dying in Australia.
1 June 2022 by Jeremy Wright


17 May 2022 by Trevor Rowe



Know your healthcare rights
The Australian Charter of Healthcare Rights describes the rights that consumers, or someone they care for, can expect when receiving healthcare.  Healthcare rights cover:  access, safety, respect, partnership, information, privacy and the right to give feedback or make a complaint. These rights apply to all people in all places where healthcare is provided in Australia. This includes public and private hospitals, day procedure services, general practice and other community health services. The Charter's 1st Edition was endorsed by health ministers in 2008. The Second Edition, launched in 2019, is a great tool for all healthcare consumers.    
2 May 2022 by Trevor Rowe