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Post IPCC-blues? Become a tree grower!
"The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best is right now."Not sure what to do after reading the IPCC report last week?  What about volunteering to growing indigenous seedlings that can improve the environment and create homes for wildlife?  Next intake is September 2021.
16 August 2021 by Katherine Leo...



Opportunities in carbon capture and utilisation (CCU) technologies
Australia could turn carbon dioxide waste into a valuable revenue stream according to a new report from Australia’s national science agency, CSIRO.CCU technologies capture CO₂ from the waste streams of industrial processes, or directly from the atmosphere, and convert it into useful new products, ranging from synthetic fuels to food and beverages, chemicals, and building materials.Currently, industries such as cement, steel, plastics and heavy transport are unable to rely on renewable technologies alone and account for about a sixth of Australia’s emissions and around a third of global emissions.
14 August 2021 by IdeaSpies



Innovative Sustainable Cooling Technologies from Israel
As the Earth’s temperatures keep soaring upwards, cooling technologies are fast becoming one of the most sought-after solutions. But the high energy consumption required for cooling in turn adds on to pollution and overall heating of the planet. To escape this vicious cycle, the need of the hour is sustainable, energy efficient cooling technologies and energy management systems. Israel has always been at the forefront, whenever it came to innovating and coming up with cutting edge technology as solutions to difficult problems in various industry sectors.Read on and browse the 10 innovative Israeli companies with future ideas:
9 August 2021 by Jeremy Ungar



The living concrete which could heal itself
The team from the University of Colorado Boulder is saying that they are working on the self healing concrete which can heal itself of the cracks and damages. This concrete is made up of sand, gel and bacteria, which is also named Living Concrete as it is capable of self-healing and is more environmentally friendly than concrete – which is the second most-consumed material on Earth after water.It “heal their own cracks, suck up dangerous toxins from the air or even glow on command”.source:
8 August 2021 by Sailesh Pudas...



Electric highways - the most efficient path to decarbonise trucks
Another option to reduce transport emissions: connecting electric trucks to overhead power lines on electrified highways. Australia's transport emission reduction is being neglected. So why not start with the most energy-efficient route to zero-emission road freight. The technology is being tested in Germany and Sweden. This article suggests the biggest hurdle to large-scale rollout is the initial infrastructure. In Australia currently the biggest hurdle is an absence of government policy:investment hear Prof Lachlan Blackhall on Australia's energy security issues Tues 10th August 6pm:  
5 August 2021 by Jeremy Wright



What does Security mean in the Climate Crisis?
The crucial CoP26 Climate Conference in Glasgow in November has to produce breakthroughs. Otherwise our peace & security are at risk. The next Climate & Peace Webinar - 6pm AEST Tuesday 10th August - addresses what Security Risks are involved – Defence, Energy & Food? This will be discussed by three expert speakers: Australia’s top former defence planner, Cheryl Durrant, An expert in dispatchable energy storage, Prof. Lachlan Blackhall, and a farmer and avid campaigner for agricultural reform Anika Molesworth.  These leading speakers will tell us why Climate & Peace have to be considered together. Registration via
28 July 2021 by Jeremy Wright