India and Pakistan have a history of conflict. Despite this tense relationship every evening at sundown they perform a perfectly coordinated ceremony at the border near Amritsar. Soldiers from both sides do an impressive march and bring down their flags together to the delight of large local audiences and some tourists. They kick their legs up to their heads as they march!
West Village artist Debra Rapoport, 73, has a knack for turning garbage into fashion. Her signature hats, made from paper towels, sell for as much as $450. “Recycled materials speak to me. It’s like they say, ‘Give me a second life!’ She finds recycled, discarded and unusual materials and gives them a brilliant second life as high fashion couture. No items or material of any origin are out of consideration for her “Gifted and Thrifted” unique creations, A self-described “advanced style star”, Rapoport combs the streets of New York City in search of that which catches her eye.