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What is IoT?


The Internet of Things (IoT) has not only impacted the way we live but also the way we work.

“Internet of Things is the network of devices that are connected with each other and exchange data by interacting with each other.” 

All the devices and objects used are connected to an IoT Platform which integrates the data from all the devices and analyses it to share valuable information. Robust IoT platforms can tell which information is useful and detect  relevant patterns.

IoT has altered the way we interact with the things around us and has led to exponential growth in opportunities in many industries including agriculture, infrastructure, heavy industry, transportation, oil and gas, mining and healthcare.

How IoT is playing the role of catalyst for various industries?

IoT Platforms have helped various organizations to reduce costs by improving the efficiency of the processes, utilizing assets in a better way and increasing productivity. With the real-time monitoring of assets and an improved tracking system, better and quicker business decisions can be taken.

Smart wearables and smart devices have been a major byproduct of IoT. Using real-time data  systems have become more responsive. Data plays a crucial role in IoT, hence having a large storage capacity is very important.

Many threats can be avoided with the help of real-time alerts using IoT. With real-time updates of the workers at a site,  safety is improved. Smart cities using IoT have more efficient traffic, transportation and water management services.

IoT is a major part of Industry 4.0, the 4th industrial revolution, which is improving all our lives by helping us make better quality decisions more cost effectively, both personal and business.

To succeed with their IoT projects, CIOs and business leaders should thoroughly examine and understand how IoT works.

By Sanjeev Verma

Sanjeev is the CEO  of Biz4Intellia, responsible for leading Biz4Intellia’s global business strategy and operations. He has been an Internet of Things (IoT) enthusiast from the beginning of his professional career. Sanjeev loves to read and write articles related to disruptive technologies.

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mudit-handa @ 2019.04.04 7:14 AM
Great article, also this is a very easy way explanation through Infographic.

IdeaSpies @ 2019.04.04 7:14 AM
Thanks for the feedback Mudit!

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