Ludwina Dautovic @ 2022.03.22 5:45 AM
That's a great idea. I've been thinking the same thing with CBD offices. They'll become redundant soon as the Central Business Districts become more of a Central Lifestyle District.
That's a great idea. I've been thinking the same thing with CBD offices. They'll become redundant soon as the Central Business Districts become more of a Central Lifestyle District.
IdeaSpies @ 2022.03.22 5:45 AM
Central Lifestyle District... clever name Ludwina!
Central Lifestyle District... clever name Ludwina!
Ludwina Dautovic @ 2022.03.22 5:45 AM
I can't claim that name. I heard it from Mark McCrindle from McCrindle Reports. I interviewed him on The Room Xchange Podcast for season 2 that is coming soon. He talked about it for quite a while. He believes the as more and more people work from home, the CBD will become more of a creative, lifestyles, arts hub where people will come for entertainment and lifestyle not for work or business.
I can't claim that name. I heard it from Mark McCrindle from McCrindle Reports. I interviewed him on The Room Xchange Podcast for season 2 that is coming soon. He talked about it for quite a while. He believes the as more and more people work from home, the CBD will become more of a creative, lifestyles, arts hub where people will come for entertainment and lifestyle not for work or business.
Maria MacNamara @ 2022.03.22 5:45 AM
I came to the same conclusion after spending the day in the CBD yesterday. There will be some business done in the city, but those office blocks will begin to be converted into homes and hubs. Yes, I think people will gravitate towards the city for entertainment also. It's inevitable that we will see the city shapeshift. It makes no sense to drag tens of thousands of people into the city centre each day for them to do work that can be done in the suburbs. Sure it needs to happen when they're building something new or fixing something that doesn't work. It doesn't need to happen when they're in BAU. I don't think people will only work from home, I think there will be a move to local hubs and shared spaces to work locally, so that there is a divide between where we work and where we do our living, particularly when the place you live is small and shared with others who have different needs.
I came to the same conclusion after spending the day in the CBD yesterday. There will be some business done in the city, but those office blocks will begin to be converted into homes and hubs. Yes, I think people will gravitate towards the city for entertainment also. It's inevitable that we will see the city shapeshift. It makes no sense to drag tens of thousands of people into the city centre each day for them to do work that can be done in the suburbs. Sure it needs to happen when they're building something new or fixing something that doesn't work. It doesn't need to happen when they're in BAU. I don't think people will only work from home, I think there will be a move to local hubs and shared spaces to work locally, so that there is a divide between where we work and where we do our living, particularly when the place you live is small and shared with others who have different needs.