19 January 2021 by Brent Balinski
RMIT researchers have used lobster-inspired spiral shapes to increase the strength of 3D printed concrete structures.
Natural materials like lobster exoskeletons had “evolved into high-performance structures over millions of years” according to lead researcher Dr Jonathan Tran.
"...lobster shells are naturally strong and naturally curved, we know this could help us deliver stronger concrete shapes like arches and flowing or twisted structures.”
The team's work, published in 3D Printing and Additive Manufacturing, favourably compared these “helicoidal patterns" against other patterns.
The most commonly-used 3DP build method is lines laid down on top of each other in parallel.
More: https://www.aumanufacturing.com.au/rmit-team-pinches-an-idea-from-a-lobster-uses-it-to-make-stronger-3d-printed-concrete