Based on a Roy Morgan study, 1 million people in Australia play table tennis - many of them at their workplace. This comes at little surprise given that part of a company’s standard interior in 2019 is a table tennis table to engage staff and promote wellbeing. Companies like Google and Amazon run Friday afternoon table tennis competitions to reward staff. The sport with a green table and the red and black bats has proven to be an effective and inclusive tool to help staff taking effective breaks from work to relax while catching up with colleagues.
Using innovative technology, Table Tennis Australia, the National Sporting Body, is taking workplace ping pong to the next level and launching the Table Tennis Corporate Cup in 2020. The competition focusses on promoting diversity, inclusion and wellness in the workplace - getting the inactive active.
We believe table tennis can play a significant role engaging, exciting and fostering communities within and between companies. Table tennis is one of the most inclusive and accessible sporting activities and I think we have a role to play in addressing growing challenges in mental health, wellness and employee engagement.
The digital platform that drives workplace engagement
The Table Tennis Corporate Cup is run through TryThis, a digital sporting platform which provides the opportunity to expand the reach and maximise scale of the Table Tennis Corporate Cup throughout Australia. Further, the intuitive interface helps to enhance motivation among staff and provides companies with the opportunity to track participation and engagement.
However, the app-based corporate wellness program doesn’t finish within the organisation. Once the internal competition is over, a networking ping pong competition takes place in all major cities so that staff members can represent their company in a fierce competition to become Australian Corporate Cup champion.
The Table Tennis Corporate Cup keeps you moving
The digitalised program allows Table Tennis Australia to build a valuable database to reengage participants of the sport at work with the general table tennis community. This ensures that workplace wellness can lead to a more active lifestyle in general and ultimately a healthier Australia.
If you think that your workplace should participate go to or contact
By Jamie Olsen, President of Table Tennis Australia