This article that almost a third of the ASX 300’s value is at risk in a carbon-constrained world, with new rules expected about disclosure, reinforces the importance of transitioning from fossil fuels.
Australia still has the dubious record of the highest levels of greenhouse gas pollution from coal/person - more than any other developed country - according the Ember report for 2021.
This, despite our emissions from coal having fallen to 4.04 tonnes of CO2 for each person from a previous level of 5.34, for 2015-2020.
BUT the single biggest action we can take to tackle the climate crisis, is to rapidly transition away from antiquated coal power.
The second-placed country was South Korea, with 3.18 tonnes a year, followed by China (3.06), South Africa (2.68) and the United States (2.23).
This article that almost a third of the ASX 300’s value is at risk in a carbon-constrained world, with new rules expected about disclosure, reinforces the importance of transitioning from fossil fuels.