Employees could contribute many more ideas than they do now
You might think that you're the only one in your group who is passionate about innovation however many more are- they're just not being heard.
IdeaSpies Enterprise, a platform for ideas that will improve business performance, has revealed the results of an Employee Innovation Survey.
The purpose of the survey was to determine if employees have a voice in helping their organisations succeed. Innovation was defined simply in the survey as “implementation of ideas that add value”. There are many employee engagement surveys but not employee innovation surveys.
76% said they could contribute more useful ideas than they do now, especially those who are 26-35 years old (89%).
When asked what would make it easier for them to contribute ideas the top response was 45% wanting a software tool/digital platform that’s easy to use, with lower management particularly in favour at 59% as well as organisations with 5,000 plus employees at 64%.
Psychological safety is an important issue to consider when encouraging ideas from employees. Many think their ideas aren't good enough. Therefore they don't want their name linked with an idea that's seen by others. Similarly, many at lower levels are concerned that their idea will be judged by their level in the organisation rather than its quality. Therefore they don't contribute ideas.
IdeaSpies Enterprise solves this problem by offering employees the opportunity to post their ideas anonymously, with a fun IdeaSpies name. Many take advantage of this opportunity so only their names can only be identified after ideas are judged for implementation.
The Employee Innovation Survey was sent to about 2,000 employees, with 18% responding and volunteering extensive comments.
A full report on the results with charts and comments is now being prepared. Please contact me if you’d like to receive it.
Lynn Wood
ph +61 418 966 625