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A political leader who is publicly addressing climate change


Angela Merkel, the German Chancellor, has called on Germans to think out of the box to cope with the challenges arising from global warming.

"To do this, we need more than ever the courage to think in a new way, the strength to leave familiar paths, the willingness to try new things, and the determination to act faster, convinced that the unusual can succeed - and must succeed if the generation of today's young people and their descendants should still be able to live well on this Earth," Merkel said.

That is also a priority of the European Union's new executive Commission. Germany will hold the EU's rotating presidency in the second half of 2020.

What do you think?

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Glenn Barnes @ 2019.12.31 9:10 PM

No matter what the contribution to climate change is from man-made sources, we need to address the problem of the expanding use of non-renewable resources that release carbon dioxide when combusted and all emissions that have a warming impact on the earth.

It is time for politicians to move past making general statements on the need for action...and get on with announcing specific short and longer-term programs e.g. supporting renewable electric power generation with nuclear baseload; drastically reducing the use of non-renewable resources such as coal, gas and oil for electricity production, transport and manufactured goods; reducing methane emissions from ruminant animal farming and the decay of waste in landfill etc.

IdeaSpies @ 2020.01.02 11:24 PM

Agree - I booked to attend this event today to discuss ideas that will help.

Max Berghouse @ 2020.01.04 5:05 PM
Mrs Merkel is a very able politician who has left this critical issue to the end of her Chancellorship. Germany has done a lot to reduce dependence on coal and this has largely been achieved by business and the unions working in relative harmony.

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