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4 Priorities for Climate Action


Technology entrepreneur environmentalist and Atlassian co-founder Mike Cannon-Brookes has identified four priorities he hopes the government will include in the federal budget, or that candidates will embrace in the upcoming election. These are:

  1. electrifying homes to replace gas and petrol
  2. investing in infrastructure and incentives for electric vehicles
  3. making Australia a base for battery manufacturing and 
  4. building out transmission infrastructure to support renewable energy.

What do you think?

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Anthony Passe-de Silva @ 2022.02.18 8:02 AM

All great goals with (1) and (4) definitely in scope and there are players out there building models to get this done

(2) makes sense on paper though my concern is the wrong incentive structure will inevitably lead to those incentives being captured by those who can afford to pay (e.g. using petrol taxes to pay for road infrastructure while electric cars still use road infrastructure - it should be about restructuring the whole tax system so that the negative externality being managed is charged for with regards to carbon emitting vehicles and that all road users pay for the road use).

(3) is the hard one - I'm sure the idea of domestic advanced manufacturing could be stacked up but cost to the end consumer of Australian made will be impacted by scale. And Australia's long distance from other markets means it will be challenging to get the domestic scale manufacturing plus the ability to cheaply enough export supply to keep prices competitive enough against others who don't have the distance challenge. Would be great to see but I think this could be the hardest to achieve.

IdeaSpies @ 2022.02.18 8:02 AM

Good points Anthony! This recent Energy podcast should interest you. The post includes a transcript.

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