Sharing Ideas that Do Good

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Is backwards the way forwards for business?
The pandemic has got Aussies feeling sentimental about the past.  Is it a bold choice for businesses to play to our fondness
27 September 2022 by IdeaSpies



What makes an idea artistic?
I am curious, so I am always interested in the new & different – ideas to float by in one way or other, places I go, people
26 September 2022 by IdeaSpies



Latest Climate Ideas
Climate is a very topical subject now and the news is mostly bad. There are however many positive ideas being developed and our
6 September 2022 by IdeaSpies



A different approach to Digital Security for Board Directors and CEOs
Board directors and CEOs cannot afford to ignore issues of Privacy, Data breaches and Cyber-attacks in their organisations. Unfo
27 August 2022 by IdeaSpies



Will Augmented and Virtual Reality increase our Empathy or erase it?
Glenn Cantave is an African American activist. I recently listened to a TED talk he gave, where he spoke about his group Movers
27 August 2022 by IdeaSpies



A purposeful approach to industry policy
AS a result of the massive fiscal stimulus applied during the COVID-19 crisis, together with close to net zero immigration, Australia has effectively achieved full employment for the first time in 50 years. However, this outcome is unlikely to be sustainable in the absence of measures to address longstanding supply-side issues, in particular the lack of investment in research, innovation and skills. It may be just a "sugar hit", underwritten by the latest commodity price spike. What is clearly missing in Australia, by contrast with most other advanced economies, is a coherent and purposeful approach to industry policy. This would identify our current and potential areas of competitive advantage and enable a coordinated approach to the industries and technologies of the future. Let's reflect for a moment on where we are. Unlike the Norwegians, with a resource rent tax and the world's biggest sovereign wealth fund to underpin the future diversification of their economy, we failed
21 August 2022 by IdeaSpies